I left off saying that life is a beginning and end, determined by God and all of the events in the middle. The events in the middle, between those two fixed points in time are largely your responsibility. There are events that take place that you have no control over, a part of the event but not a controller of the event. God brings us to life for His pleasure and He desires us to live happy and fulfilling lives until we enter an eternity with Him in Heaven. There are people that will never know the peace that God and will never enjoy the eternity of Heaven. There are some that won't enjoy happiness on this earth because they continue to live in turmoil. God cries out for these people. He wants all of His children to have wonderful lives and to share that life with him.
You play a huge role in making yourself happy. You can choose to allow things to make you stronger and better or you can allow things to weaken you and spoil your joy. When my life started, I was instantly a daughter, sister, grand daughter, niece, cousin and baby. As I grew older, I became a toddler, a preschooler and friend. I have filled the role of student, choir member, Girl Scout, babysitter and employee. I still have some of the same roles that I did on the first day of life. I have held many roles. Some positions last forever and others for a brief while. Each role has changed me slightly because each role was a responsibility. I continue growing older and my personality and soul grow as well. God's desires are that I become more like Him with each change. He wants all of His children to become more Christ-like. I think that once you have filled enough roles, changed enough, become more what you need to be in eternity, life ends. Because, not all people change for good, they seem to have more chances to repent and redeem themselves. And there are some people that get to teach by example so while they, themselves might be what God needs, He needs them still on earth to lead and teach. Some roles that you fill are terrible and in no way desirable. Such as accident victim, terrible friend, sassy back talker, sick patient. But by being in those positions, we all have the chance to turn those bad things into good. Once you have been that sassy back talker, you have the chance to stay that way, become more bratty and a person that no one wants to be around. Or you can choose to ask for a chance to try that over. You can ask your mother for forgiveness and tell her how you love her and that you should not act that way. This helps you to learn empathy, sympathy, compassion, love and forgiveness. And the choice is yours as to how you come out of the role, for better, or for worse.
Each role that you fill gets marked on your time line. There are periods that you have lots of activity and others with not so much. But in the end of life, God's hope is that you have chosen His way, the better way, the loving and happy way. I hope that you will learn from each role that you fill and that you become who you should be in the end. Your time line can be exciting and happy or dreadful. The choice is ultimately yours. I hope that you can view life from my perspective a little more and that it can be a blessing to you in your current and future roles in life.
Blessings to you and yours!