If you have ever doubted the sense of humor of God, don't!! He heard my prayers for patience. This morning I was stopped by a train on my trip back home from taking Anna to pre-kindergarten. I happened to be the first car in line waiting at the crossing. I watched as these train cars filled with coal traveled by and I enjoyed the crisp fall morning sun rising higher in the sky behind me. After 3 locomotive engines and 36 coal cars went past, the train stopped on the track, with numerous cars yet to pass by me. STOPPED!!! Now, I want you to know, I did not get upset. I really was enjoying it. The music on the radio was good and I was just looking around and thinking. I waited for the train to begin moving and behind me cars and trucks turned around to head in the other direction. I could see cars and trucks on the other side of the train tracks do the same. I waited. After 18 minutes of the train being stopped, I could sit not longer. So I turned my truck around and headed back into town so that I might go the other way.
Now it gets better, once I got around to the other road home...there was the first of the three locomotive engines just getting to the trigger that lowers the cross arm. I had to laugh out loud. God, what humor you have! I continued on my journey and went out into the country and through some smaller communities to get home again. What is typically a 7-10 minute trip took me 53 minutes, today. And you know what, I never got frustrated. I got the chance to look out over crops and pastures. I could see the hills in the distance and the dense fog rising off the creeks to greet the sun. I was able to commune with God and His creation.
I can't say that I am a patient person but this morning...I handled a train with grace. Now, sweet Lord, give me the grace to handle the rest of the day! Blessings abound, enjoy each one.I hope that you will consider praying for patience. It might bring you a wonderful journey through town and a chance to share your morning with God in just one more way.
In Christ, Live.
What a great testament to God's humor! I often laugh out loud when I recognize those moments. God speaks to us often; the problem is that so few of us recognize the exchange. I pray that each of us will know God's voice when he speaks.